ICLP 2024/LPNMR 2024: Call for Papers for Workshops and Doctoral Consortium

by Gopal Gupta, July 15, 2024

We cordially invite you to submit papers to the ICLP'24/LPNMR'24 affiliated workshops. PhD students are invited to submit to the jointly organized doctoral consortium. The events will be held Oct 11-17, 2024, in Dallas, TX.

ICLP 2024 will be held in Dallas, TX, USA, and will be co-located with LPNMR 2024. Together, the two events will be held October 11-17, 2024. More details can be found here:

                   ICLP'24: https://iclp24.utdallas.edu


We invite authors to submit papers to the ICLP/LPNMR-affiliated workshops. We also invite PhD students to apply to the joint ICLP/LPNMR doctoral consortium (DC). Please encourage your PhD students to apply to the joint DC.

More details on applying to the Doctoral Consortium can be found here:


More details on submitting papers to affiliated workshops can be found here:


The following Workshops are planned:

  1. ASPOCP’24: Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms

  2. GDE’24: Goal-directed Execution of Answer Set Programs

  3. LPOP’24: Logic and Practice of Programming (Integrating Reasoning Systems for Trustworthy AI)

  4. PEG 2024: Prolog Education Workshop

  5. PIPs’24: Prolog Improvement Proposals

  6. PLP’24: Probabilistic Logic Programming