2 PhD positions in software engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands)

by Alexander Serebrenik, April 11, 2016

Eindhoven University of Technology is looking for great candidates for two PhD positions in the area of software engineering/software evolution.

Eindhoven University of Technology is looking for great candidates for two PhD positions in the area of software engineering/software evolution:

1) Evolution and co-evolution in highly automated and autonomous cyber-physical systems: http://jobs.tue.nl/nl/vacature/2-phdstudents-on-highly-automated-autonomous-cyberphysical-systems-258340.html (PhD student 2 in the announcement).

Adequate representation of highly automated and autonomous cyber-physical systems (ACPS) components requires modelling from different perspectives, representing different aspects of those components. As part of the Verification & Validation effort for ACPS the PhD student will work on the consistency of different models of same components, in particular in relation to evolution. Furthermore, she will study of evolution and co-evolution of those aspect models. This project will be carried out as part of the large-scale European project ENABLE-S3, European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems with Philips Healthcare as the subproject lead.

2) Software evolution and model-based re-engineering http://jobs.tue.nl/nl/vacature/phd-student-asml-impuls-256192.html (PhD project 3 in the announcement).

There may be multiple reasons for software to evolve over time. Once a software component has to be modified or replaced, an exact specification of the behavioral aspects of this component with its environment is a prerequisite. In order to obtain such specification for existing (legacy) software, static program analysis techniques, such as source code analysis, can be used in combination with dynamic analysis techniques, such as process mining. The extracted behavioral models have to be decomposed into modular application and platform specifications that can be used at design time.  In addition, the behavioral models can be used as contracts and qualification means to transition existing components into new components. This project will be carried out in close cooperation with ASML. 

Please feel free to distribute this information.

Best regards,
Alexander Serebrenik

Assoc prof Software Evolution

Eindhoven University of Technology