CfP: Software Lifecycle Management for Knowledge Graphs Workshop

by Eduard Kamburjan, April 13, 2024

The Software Lifecycle Management for KG workshop (SofLiM4KG)
aims to collect experiences in successful and abandoned
knowledge graph projects from this perspective to
(a) carve out the specifics in knowledge graph engineering
that pose challenges beyond software engineering practices,
(b) to establish best practices and anti-patterns for the
community, and (c) build the foundations for the systematic
investigation of the connection to software engineering,
as well as qualitative and quantitative studies in project
management of knowledge graphs.

===== 1st Call for Papers  =====

Software Lifecycle Management for Knowledge Graphs Workshop

Co-located with the ISWC 2024, Baltimore, November 2024

 ===== Full CfP/website =====

 ===== Description =====

Knowledge graphs result from a complex construction process 

utilizing numerous tools and data sources, generated in 

elaborate pipelines utilizing a wide variety of semantic 

technologies, such as RML, OTTR, SHACL... 

All the involved artifacts, ontologies, mapping scripts, 

graph shapes, etc., are interdependent and changes in one 

of them require the adjustment in others. 

In current practice, managing the dependencies and artifacts is a 

manual process using ad hoc approaches. Despite the 

numerous work on KG construction, there is a 

focus on the technical aspects of the single steps and 

little attention has been paid to the practical aspects of 

(a) organizing and managing knowledge graphs projects in 

terms of change management, dependencies between semantic 

artifacts, as well as DevOps for knowledge graphs, and 

(b) automating building and deploying of the resulting 

knowledge graph and adjacent artifacts. 

The Software Lifecicle Management for KG workshop (SofLiM4KG) 

aims to collect experiences in successful and abandoned 

knowledge graph projects from this perspective to 

(a) carve out the specifics in knowledge graph engineering 

that pose challenges beyond software engineering practices, 

(b) to establish best practices and anti-patterns for the 

community, and (c) build the foundations for the systematic 

investigation of the connection to software engineering, 

as well as qualitative and quantitative studies in project 

management of knowledge graphs. 

 ===== Important Dates =====

Submission: 11.07.24

Notification: 08.08.24 

Workshop: 11.11 or 15.11 (tbd)

 ===== Topics =====

* Best practices and experience reports from managing knowledge graph 

* Reports of problems and hindrances in abandoned knowledge graph projects

* Tools for mechanizing building of knowledge graphs

* Tools for mechanizing maintenance of knowledge graphs

* Applications of DevOps or agile patterns in development

* Connections to software engineering practices, such as build tools

* Dependency management among semantic artifacts used in knowledge graph construction and maintenance

* Methods of testing applications based on knowledge graphs

 ===== Publication =====

Submissions are expected to have around 12-15p in CEUR format for research papers or 6-8p in CEUR format for short papers. Abstracts from journal publications (2-4p) are welcome, and are published as part of the proceedings, but can be selected for presentation at the workshop. References are not part of the page limit.

All submitted papers will be refereed by the program committee and must not be submitted or published at another peer-reviewed venue (except for journal abstract submissions).

Submissions will be handled via EasyChair


 ===== Organizing Committee =====

* Oscar Corcho, OEG - UPM, ES, co-chair

* David Chaves Fraga, CiTIUS - USC, ES, co-chair

* Eduard Kamburjan, University of Oslo, NO, co-chair

* Paco Nathan,, US, co-chair

* Coen De Roover, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE, co-chair