LTSmin 3 released
LTSmin 3 released
With pleasure we announce the release of LTSmin 3. LTSmin is a
language-independent model checking toolset that offers a wide
spectrum of parallel and symbolic algorithms to deal with the
state space explosion of different verification problems. Key
features of LTSmin include:
- Symbolic CTL/mu-calculus model checking using different BDD/MDD packages, including the parallel BDD/MDD package Sylvan.
- Sequential and Multi-core LTL model checking with partial order reduction.
- Distributed LTS instantiation, export, and minimization modulo branching/strong bisimulation.
- muCRL's process algebra,
- mCRL2's process algebra,
- DiVinE's DVE language,
- builtin symbolic ETF format,
- SPIN's Promela,
- UPPAAL's timed automata,
- SCOOP's process algebra for Markov Automata, and
- POSIX'/UNIX' dlopen API.
- Petri nets (in PNML, and ANDL), and
- B/Event-B/Z/TLA+ through ProB.
Other major new features are as follows:
- Parallel symbolic checking of invariants and mu-calculus formulae.
- Several bandwidth reduction algorithms have been implemented for static variable ordering.
- LTSmin now integrates with Spot, which translates LTL formulae to Büchi automata.
- A new parallel algorithm to detect strongly connected components, for LTL model checking.
- Add support for transition-based generalized Büchi automata.
- LTSmin now builds on Travis CI.
We hope you enjoy the result of three years of hard work.
The LTSmin development team
University of Twente