List of job vacancies
- Postdoc in testing and verification of Infrastructure as Code - Programming Group, Univ. of St.Gallen, Switzerland
A postdoctoral position in “testing and verification of Infrastructure as Code” involves conducting advanced research at the intersection of programming languages and software development. As a postdoc, you will explore innovative approaches to testing, analysis, and verification techniques to improve the quality and safety of cloud deployments. Relevant topics include fuzzing, property-based testing, fault injection, and formal methods like program verification and model checking.
- PhD position: Theorem Proving for AI
Vacancy: PhD in Computer Science
Title: Formal Verification of AI Interfaces
Advisors: Ekaterina Komendantskaya (Southampton University, UK), Alessandro Bruni (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Reynald Affeldt (AIST, Japan)
Start Date: As soon as the right candidate is found
Location: Southampton University, UK; with collaborative visits involving researchers at AIST, Japan and IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Multiple fully-funded Ph.D. student position(s) in combating technical debt in Machine Learning (ML) systems in New York City
I am currently seeking multiple fully-funded Ph.D. students interested in programming languages and software engineering research for an NSF-funded project on combating technical debt in Machine Learning (ML) systems. The project—based in the heart of New York City—focuses on facilitating the long-lived evolution of ML systems through automated refactoring.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Formal Methods
A postdoctoral researcher position in Formal Methods for Business Process Modelling is available at Dept. of Computer Science, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway
Deadline: 10th June 2024
Salary: starting from ~NOK 576 000 per annum
Duration: 2 years, with the possibility of an extension for up to 1 yearLink to the detailed job posting:
- PhD positions: Verification of AI/ AI Safety
Heriot-Watt and Edinburgh Universities are launching a new PhD training program on "Dependable and Deployable AI for Robotics"
We welcome applications from candidates interested in verification of AI.For details see:
Candidates with interest in verification and programming languages for AI are encouraged to contact [email protected]
- Fully funded PhD position - Programming Group, Univ. of St.Gallen, Switzerland
The Programming Group at the School of Computer Science, University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland, invites applications for an opening as PhD student.
- PhD position at Chalmers in Combined Software Co-Piloting and Verification
There is a PhD position open at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, on the topic of 'Combined Software Co-Piloting and Verification'. The announcement is linked here:
A vision paper related to this PhD project has been published here:
The PhD student will be jointly supervised by Wolfgang Ahrendt ([email protected]) and Moa Johansson ([email protected]).- PhD position on Program Analysis for Smart Contracts at the Vienna University of Technology
I am hiring a PhD student to work on Program Analysis for Smart Contracts at the Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
If you are interested, please send me your CV.
Expected start: September 2023
Best regards,
Maria Christakis