List of job vacancies - page 3

Ph.D. student position(s) in analysis and transformations of imperative Deep Learning programs
by Raffi Khatchadourian, June 23, 2022

I am currently seeking (potentially multiple) Ph.D. students interested in programming languages and software engineering research for a newly NSF-funded project on analysis and transformations for imperative Deep Learning (DL) programs. The project focuses on enhancing the robustness, increasing run-time performance, and facilitating the long-lived evolution of DL systems, particularly, large, industrial DL systems.

Postdoc positions in reverse engineering and binary verification at Virginia Tech
by Nico Naus, June 15, 2022

Postdoctoral research positions at Virginia Tech are available on software security, with a focus on the application of reverse engineering and formal methods to reasoning about unintended behaviors and exploits.

Postdoctoral Researcher and PhD positions at University of Birmingham
by vincent, May 31, 2022

Fully-funded Postdoctoral Researcher and PhD positions at the University of Birmingham to work on the design and verification of distributed systems.

PhD Scholarship Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
by Ekaterina Komendantskaya, March 16, 2022

The Lab for AI and Verification (, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh, Scotland is looking to fill in one PhD post. We are looking for a candidate with solid knowledge of Theorem Proving and/or Functional/Logic programming, and enthusiasm to apply this knowledge in the domain of Artificial Intelligence.

PhD position on the design and formal verification of distributed systems at the University of Birmingham
by vincent, July 28, 2021

The School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham, UK, has a PhD position available on the topic of the design and formal verification of distributed systems.

Post-doc Position in AI for Continuous Software Engineering available at the University of L'Aquila (Italy)
by RominaEramo, June 21, 2021

Post-doc Position in AI for Continuous Software Engineering
available at the University of L'Aquila (Italy)

Postdoc Position, Programming Group - SCS, University of St.Gallen
by guidosalva, June 20, 2021

A fully funded postdoc position is open in the Programming Group at
the School of Computer Science, University of St. Gallen (CH).
The position is supervised by Prof. Guido Salvaneschi.

PhD Position on Systematic Software Language Engineering at University of Stuttgart
by Andreas Wortmann, May 21, 2021

PhD Student Vacancy in the research area of Systematic Software Language Engineering at the Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW) of the University of Stuttgart