SPLC 2020 - Call for Participation and Registration
October 19 to 23, 2020
Fully virtual, originally at Montréal, Canada
Detailed program: https://splc2020.net/program/detailed-program/
Register here: https://splc2020.net/registration/
Reduced fees, including free registration for ACM members.
Registration Periods:
Early Bird: until October 5, 2020, Montréal time (EDT)
Regular: October 6-12, 2020, Montréal time (EDT)
October 19 to 23, 2020
Fully virtual, originally at Montréal, Canada
Detailed program: https://splc2020.net/program/detailed-program/
Register here: https://splc2020.net/registration/
Reduced fees, including free registration for ACM members.
Registration Periods:
Early Bird: until October 5, 2020, Montréal time (EDT)
Regular: October 6-12, 2020, Montréal time (EDT)
The Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) is a premier forum where researchers, practitioners, and educators can present and discuss the most recent ideas, trends, experiences, and challenges in the area of software and system product lines engineering.
Keynotes shared with the IEEE / ACM 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS):
Yoshua Bengio - Priors for deep learning of semantic representations
Betty Cheng - Model-Driven Engineering for Data-Centric Autonomous Systems
Krzysztof Czarnecki - Models in AI-enabled systems: the case of automated driving
- 36 main program papers from Research, Industrial, Challenges, and Journal First tracks.
List of accepted papers of the main tracks:
- 4 Workshops:
1) VariVolution 2020: 3rd International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-intensive Systems
2) REVE 2020: 8th International Workshop on REverse Variability Engineering
3) MODEVAR@SPLC 2020: 3rd International Workshop on Languages for Modelling Variability
4) WEESR 2020: 3rd Workshop on Experiences and Empirical Studies on Software Reuse
- 4 Tutorials:
1) Software Reuse and Mass Personalization
2) Variability Realization in UML/SysML Models
3) Machine Learning and Configurable Systems: A Gentle Introduction
4) Textual Variability Modelling and Implementation using EASy-Producer
- Industrial panel: Success, Present at Future of SPL Adoption in Industry.
Panelists from Danfoss,Lookheed Martin, pure:systems, MetaCase, SofteamGroup, IKERLAN Research Centre, and others.
- Doctoral Symposium: A forum for PhD students to present their work and
receive feedback from well-established mentors in the field.
* General Chairs
Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon, École de technologie supérieure, Canada
* Research Track Chairs
Sarah Nadi, University of Alberta, Canada
Philippe Collet, Université Côte d’Azur, France
* Workshops Chairs
Iris Reinhartz-Berger, University of Haifa, Israel
Gilles Perrouin, University of Namur, Belgium
* Doctoral Symposium Chairs
Ina Schaefer, Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany
Rafael Capilla, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
* Tutorials Chairs
Carlos Cetina, University San Jorge, Spain
Sandro Schulze, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany
* Industrial Systems and Software Product Lines Chairs
Salvador Trujillo, IKERLAN Research Center, Spain
Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
* Hall of Fame Chairs
Natsuko Noda, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
Goetz Botterweck, University of Limerick, Ireland
* Challenge Track Chairs
Jose Galindo, University of Seville, Spain
Lukas Linsbauer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
* Journal First Chair
Thorsten Berger, Chalmers University, Sweden
Wesley K. G. Assunção, Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil
* Demonstrations and Tools Chairs
Julia Rubin, University of British Columbia, Canada
Jacob Krüger, University of Magdeburg, Germany
* Web Chair
Yoena Dominguez Rivero, Ecole de technologie supérieure (ETS), University of Quebec, Canada
* Proceedings Chair
Paul Gazzillo, University of Central Florida
* Publicity and Social Media Chairs
Jabier Martinez, Tecnalia, Spain
* Student Volunteers Chairs
Seiede Reyhane Kamali, Ecole de technologie superieure (ETS), University of Quebec, Canada
Full PC list: https://splc2020.net/program-committees/