ETAPS best paper award 2006

by Herbert Kuchen, May 17, 2006

The ETAPS best paper award 2006 goes to:
B. Rudiak-Gould, A. Mycroft, and S. Peyton Jones.

THE EAPLS board has decided to give the ETAPS best paper award 2006 to:

B. Rudiak-Gould, A. Mycroft, S. Peyton Jones: Haskell is Not Not ML, ESOP 2006, LNCS 3924, Springer Verlag, 38-53.


Previous Best Papers

The ETAPS best paper awards in the previous years went to:
J. Condit and G.C. Necula: Data Slicing: Separating the Heap into Independent Regions, CC 2005, LNCS 3443, Springer Verlag,172--187.
H. He, N. Gupta: Automatic Debugging using Path-based Weakest Preconditions, FASE 2004, LNCS 2984, Springer Verlag, 267-280.
P. Laud: Handling Encryption in an Analysis for Secure Information Flow, ESOP 2003, LNCS 2618, Springer Verlag, 159-173.
M. Kandemir, I. Kolcu, I Kadayif: Influence of Loop Optimizations on Energy Consumption of Multi-Bank Memory Systems, CC 2002, LNCS 2304, Springer Verlag, 276-292.

Herbert Kuchen