35th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT)

by Michael Kirkedal Thomsen, June 24, 2024

NWPT is a series of annual regional-scope workshops on programming theory, targeted especially at younger researchers. In 2024, the workshop will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. We hope this will be a nice opportunity to present recent results and/or work-in-progress, and to meet colleagues from the Nordic and Baltic countries. We encourage PhD students and postdocs to contribute.

NWPT 2024 - 35th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory 06-08 November 2022, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark https://nwpt24.github.io/ ———————————————————————- Important dates (AoE) Submission of abstracts: September 24, 2024 23:59 AoE Notification: October 15, 2024 Registration deadline: October 22, 2024, 23:59 AoE Final version abstract submission: October 29, 2024, 23:59 AoE Conference dates: 6-8 November 2024 ———————————————————————- Scope NWPT is a series of annual regional-scope workshops on programming theory, targeted especially at younger researchers. In 2024, the workshop will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. We hope this will be a nice opportunity to present recent results and/or work-in-progress, and to meet colleagues from the Nordic and Baltic countries. We encourage PhD students and postdocs to contribute. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): * semantics of programming languages, * programming language design and programming methodology, * programming logics, * formal specification of programs, * program verification, * program construction, * tools for program verification and construction, * program transformation and refinement, * real-time, hybrid/cyber-physical systems modeling and verification, * models of concurrency and distributed computing, * probabilistic and quantum programming, * energy consumption of programming languages, * model checking, * model-based testing, * language-based security. ———————————————————————- Submission guidelines Authors wishing to give a talk at the workshop are requested to submit abstracts of 2-3 pages (pdf, printable on A4 paper, typeset with LaTeX with easychair.cls) through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nwpt2024 Work in progress as well as abstracts of manuscripts submitted for formal publication elsewhere are permitted. The abstracts of the accepted contributions will be available electronically before the workshop. By submitting to EasyChair you agree that your abstract will be publicly available. Moreover, you as an author are responsible for the content. ———————————————————————- Organisers and PC chairs * Michael Kirkedal Thomsen, University of Copenhagen and University of Oslo * Maja Hanne Kirkeby, Roskilde University * Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen and Deon Digital Contact ———————————————————————- Questions about submissions can be sent to the conference contact email: Michael Kirkedal Thomsen