List of conferences - page 25

PPPJ 2015: Call for papers
by Yudi Zheng, April 9, 2015

PPPJ’15 provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to
present and discuss novel results on all aspects of programming on the Java
platform including virtual machines, languages, tools, methods, frameworks,
libraries, case studies, and experience reports.

PLDI 2015 Call for Participation
by Manu Sridharan, April 1, 2015

PLDI 2015 Call for Participation

WIMS 2015: Last Call for Tutorials, Demos and Workshops
by George Angelos Papadopoulos, Dec. 5, 2014

The 5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics
(WIMS 2015) organization committee invites proposals for tutorials,
demonstrations (on new applications) and workshops providing in-depth
background on subjects that are of broad interest to the Web Mining and Web
Semantics community. The overall purpose of tutorials and workshops is to
provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel
research ideas in areas of Web intelligence, Web mining and Web semantics,
with a particular emphasis on the fundamental interaction between these
vibrant fields of research and development. The purpose of demonstrations
is to provide developers with a place to showcase new practical and innovative
implementations of state-of-the-art systems in the areas of interest to the
Web Intelligence and Semantics community.

Call for Papers: Topics in Theoretical Computer Science (TTCS 2015) - Tehran, Iran
by mmajid, Dec. 2, 2014

Topics in Theoretical Computer Science (TTCS 2015)
Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran
August 26-28, 2015

by Nikos Tzevelekos, Nov. 10, 2014

22-25 June 2015, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Co-located with the 6th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO)

Important dates:
* Submission: April 3, 2015
* Notification: May 15, 2015
* Final version: May 29, 2015
* Conference: 22-25 June, 2015

PLDI 2015: Call for workshop and tutorial proposals
by Manu Sridharan, Sept. 20, 2014

Call for workshop and tutorial proposals for PLDI 2015

PLDI 2015: Call for Papers
by Manu Sridharan, Sept. 20, 2014

Call for papers for PLDI 2015

ICTAI 2014: Final Call for Papers (extended submission deadline)
by George Angelos Papadopoulos, June 9, 2014

The annual IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence (ICTAI) provides a major international forum where
the creation and exchange of ideas related to artificial intelligence
are fostered among academia, industry, and government agencies.
The conference facilitates the cross-fertilization of these ideas and
promotes their transfer into practical tools, for developing intelligent
systems and pursuing artificial intelligence applications. The ICTAI
encompasses all technical aspects of specifying, developing and
evaluating the theoretical underpinnings and applied mechanisms
of the AI-based components of computer tools such as algorithms,
architectures and languages.