List of conferences - page 3

EDOC 2024
by Fabrizio Fornari, April 17, 2024

EDOC 2024 is the 28th conference in the EDOC series. EDOC conferences traditionally provide a key forum for researchers and practitioners in Enterprise Design, Operations and Computing, by addressing the full range of models, methodologies, and engineering technologies contributing to building and evolving intra- and inter-enterprise software systems.

IJCAR 2024: Woody Bledsoe Awards
by Peter Lammich, April 8, 2024

The Woody Bledsoe Award is intended to enable selected students to attend the
12th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
(IJCAR 2024), by covering part of their expenses.

CIbSE 2024 Call for Participation
by Andrea Delgado, April 6, 2024

CIbSE 2024 - Call for Participation

XXVII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE 2024)
Mon 6 - Fri 10 May 2024 Curitiba, Brazil

PLDI 2024 - Call for Participation (Early registration: May 15)
by Yao Li, April 3, 2024

Call for Participation for PLDI 2024, the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation!

Volunteers for ICFP 2024 Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC)
by BenoƮt Montagu, March 26, 2024

We are looking for motivated people to be members of the ICFP 2024
Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC). Students, researchers and people
from the industry or the free software community are all welcome.

Advances in Programming Languages Thematic Track (APL 2024) at the 19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2024)
by Geylani Kardas, March 19, 2024

Programming languages are programmers' most basic tools. With appropriate programming languages one can drastically reduce the cost of building new applications as well as maintaining existing ones. In the last decades there have been many advances in programming languages technology in traditional programming paradigms such as functional, logic, and object-oriented programming, as well as the development of new paradigms such as aspect-oriented programming and intermittent programming. Moreover, today the direct effects and contributions of artificial intelligence to programming paradigms and the development of software systems are also increasing. The methods and approaches for choosing, adapting and evaluating AI techniques on programming language design and implementation has become one of the important research tracks. Within this context, new advances in programming languages research also contributes to the design and implementation of autonomous and intelligent systems (e.g. under the umbrella of agent-oriented programming). The main driving force was and will be to better express programmers' ideas. Therefore, research in programming languages is an endless activity and the core of computer science. New language features, new programming paradigms, and better compile-time and run-time mechanisms can be foreseen in the future.

The aims of this Thematic Track is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experience in topics concerned with programming languages and systems. Original papers and implementation reports are invited in all areas of programming languages.

The 12th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services and Engineering (IEEE Mobile Cloud 2024): Second Call for Papers
by George Angelos Papadopoulos, March 16, 2024

IEEE Mobile Cloud is a pioneering IEEE sponsored international conference devoted to the
research in mobile, edge, and cloud computing. It covers all aspects of mobile, edge, and
cloud computing from architectures, techniques, tools and methodologies to applications.
This year's conference is scheduled to take place in Shanghai, China, from 15-18 July 2024.
IEEE Mobile Cloud 2024 is part of the IEEE International Congress On Intelligent And Service-
Oriented Systems Engineering offering a broad spectrum of international events, sharing
renowned keynotes and fostering exchange among researchers and practitioners (see common
homepage for all colocated events,

APLAS 2024: Call for Papers
by Mirai Ikebuchi, Feb. 28, 2024

Call for Papers -- APLAS 2024 aims to bring together programming language researchers, practitioners and implementors *worldwide*, to present and discuss the latest results and exchange ideas in all areas of programming languages and systems.