List of other events - page 4

SFM 2014 in Bertinoro -- call for proposals
by Marco Bernardo, June 26, 2013

SFM 2014

14th International School on Formal Methods for
the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems


2nd Awareness Summer School (AWASS 2013) on Self-Awareness and Autonomic Computing
by Andrea Vandin, April 17, 2013

2nd Awareness Summer School (AWASS 2013) on Self-Awareness and Autonomic Computing - Registration is still open

Invitation CWI Lectures 14 June 2012 on Understanding Software
by Jurgen Vinju, April 3, 2012

You are cordially invited to attend the free CWI Lectures on 14 June 2012 on Understanding Software in Amsterdam. The program features talks by Krzysztof Czarnecki, Michael W. Godfrey, Ralf Laemmel, Stephane Ducasse, Mark van den Brand, Arie van Deursen, Joost Visser, Jurgen Vinju and Paul Klint.

Estonian Winter School in Comput Sci 2012, call for partic.
by Tarmo Uustalu, Dec. 17, 2011

[Lecturers: Dimitrov, Escardó, Italiano, Nordström, Yi.
Place/time: Palmse, Estonia, 26 Feb-2 March 2012.
Deadline for application and submission of abstracts for student
talks: ** 13 Jan 2012 **.]

Informatics Europe 2011 Curriculum Best Practices Award
by Cristina Pereira, Oct. 6, 2011

The winners of the 2011 Curriculum Best Practices Award, who share the 30.000 EUR prize sponsored by Intel, will be announced at the ECSS 2011 in Milan.

EAPLS PhD Award 2010: Call for Nominations
by Arend Rensink, Nov. 9, 2010

The European Association for Programming Languages and Systems
has established a Best Dissertation Award in the international
research area of programming languages and systems. The award
will go to the PhD student who in the previous period has made
the most original and influential contribution to the area. The
purpose of the award is to draw attention to excellent work, to
help the career of the student in question, and to promote the
research field as a whole.