List of workshops - page 15

Last call for papers: ITSLE2012 Industrial Track of Software Language Engineering
by Suzana Andova, June 7, 2012

Software Language Engineering based techniques, such as domain Specific Languages and Model Driven Software Engineering, are used more and more within industry. This shows the strength and potential of DSLs and MDSE. However, it is clear that industry is still in an explorative phase. Many challenges have to be resolved in order to convince industry to start using these techniques on a very large scale.

The Industrial Track is dedicated to industrial research on and application of SLE based techniques, including industry oriented work done in universities and research organizations. We seek high-quality contributions from practitioners and as well as industrial and academic researchers. We promote industrial partners to exchange their experiences with SLE based techniques.

ForMASSEC 2012 - Extended Deadline
by Frederic Loulergue, May 9, 2012

Formal Methods and Automated Software Engineering for Cloud Computing

Affiliated to the 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing

Fukuoka, Japan, September 04-07, 2012

Regular Research Paper Submission: May 18, 2012 (extended deadline, firm)
Work-in-Progress Paper Submission: May 25, 2012 (extended deadline, firm)
Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2012
Camera-Ready Paper: June 28, 2012

call for participation: Bytecode 2012 (an ETAPS 2012 workshop), March 31, 2012 in Tallinn, Estonia
by Marieke Huisman, Feb. 23, 2012


Bytecode 2012
Seventh Workshop on Bytecode Semantics,
Verification, Analysis and Transformation

A Satellite workshop of ETAPS 2012
Tallinn, Estonia,
31 March 2012

Program is now available

Deadline for normal registration ETAPS is closing on February 26, 2012

LDTA 2012: call for participation
by Emilie Balland, Jan. 26, 2012

Call for Participation for the 12th International Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications ( The early registration deadline is January 29, 2012.

2nd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD 2012)
by Ivan Lukovic, Jan. 23, 2012

A goal of the proposed workshop is to bring together people working on MD languages, techniques and tools, as well as Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and applying them in information system and application development, databases, and related areas, so that they can exchange their experience, create new ideas, evaluate and improve MD approaches and spread its use. The intention is to target an interdisciplinary nature of MD approaches in software engineering, as well as research topics expressed by but not limited to acronyms such as Model Driven Software Engineering (MDSE), Model Driven Software Development (MDSD), Domain Specific Modeling (DSM) and OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA).

last CFP Bytecode 2012 (deadline: January 4, 2012)
by Marieke Huisman, Dec. 22, 2011


Bytecode 2012
Seventh Workshop on Bytecode Semantics,
Verification, Analysis and Transformation

A Satellite workshop of ETAPS 2012
Tallinn, Estonia,
31 March 2012

* Science of Computer Programming has agreed to publish a special
issue on Bytecode 2012
* Invited speakers:
- James Hunt, aicas, Germany (see, on real-time Java
- Diego Garbervetsky, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (see, on quantitative analysis of
- Jeff Foster, University of Maryland, USA (see, on bytecode transformation for
improved security on Android

CfP PAPP 2012: 9th International Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming
by Frederic Loulergue, Nov. 30, 2011

9th International Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming

part of

The International Conference on Computational Science
June 4-6, 2012, Omaha, USA

2nd CfP: Bytecode 2012
by Marieke Huisman, Nov. 15, 2011


Bytecode 2012
Seventh Workshop on Bytecode Semantics,
Verification, Analysis and Transformation

A Satellite workshop of ETAPS 2012
Tallinn, Estonia,
31 March 2012

* Science of Computer Programming has agreed to publish a special
issue on Bytecode 2012
* Invited speakers:
- James Hunt, aicas, Germany (see, on real-time Java
- Diego Garbervetsky, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (see, on quantitative analysis of