List of workshops - page 17

last CFP Bytecode 2012 (deadline: January 4, 2012)
by Marieke Huisman, Dec. 22, 2011


Bytecode 2012
Seventh Workshop on Bytecode Semantics,
Verification, Analysis and Transformation

A Satellite workshop of ETAPS 2012
Tallinn, Estonia,
31 March 2012

* Science of Computer Programming has agreed to publish a special
issue on Bytecode 2012
* Invited speakers:
- James Hunt, aicas, Germany (see, on real-time Java
- Diego Garbervetsky, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (see, on quantitative analysis of
- Jeff Foster, University of Maryland, USA (see, on bytecode transformation for
improved security on Android

CfP PAPP 2012: 9th International Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming
by Frederic Loulergue, Nov. 30, 2011

9th International Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming

part of

The International Conference on Computational Science
June 4-6, 2012, Omaha, USA

2nd CfP: Bytecode 2012
by Marieke Huisman, Nov. 15, 2011


Bytecode 2012
Seventh Workshop on Bytecode Semantics,
Verification, Analysis and Transformation

A Satellite workshop of ETAPS 2012
Tallinn, Estonia,
31 March 2012

* Science of Computer Programming has agreed to publish a special
issue on Bytecode 2012
* Invited speakers:
- James Hunt, aicas, Germany (see, on real-time Java
- Diego Garbervetsky, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (see, on quantitative analysis of

2nd CFPs: Constraint​​s in Formal Verificati​​on 2011
by mvelev, Sept. 5, 2011

CFV'11: Seventh International Workshop on Constraints in Formal Verification
DoubleTree Hotel, San Jose, California, November 10, 2011
A satellite event of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). 2011

Abstract submission deadline: September 25, 2011
Paper submission deadline: September 30, 2011

Date of workshop: November 10, 2011 (right after ICCAD’11)

4th York Doctoral Symposium (YDS 2011) - Deadline Extension for Papers
by Chris Poskitt, June 20, 2011

The Department of Computer Science at the University of York is to host
the 4th York Doctoral Symposium on Computer Science (YDS 2011), on the
20th October this year. The goal of the symposium is to bring together
doctoral students from around the UK and Europe to share and exchange
their research and ideas with others. The symposium will promote
interdisciplinary research and help research students to gain experience
in presenting their work to colleagues.

Important Dates

* Paper submission deadline: 3rd July ***EXTENDED***
* Author notification: 1st August
* Poster submission deadline: 8th August
* Poster notification: 24th August
* Camera-ready papers and posters due: 31st August
* Symposium: 20th October

FAST 2011: Deadline extended
by FabioMartinelli, June 3, 2011

Call for Papers

The 8th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security& Trust (FAST2011)

Leuven, Belgium. September 15-16, 2011

FAST2011 is co-located with European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
(ESORICS 2011) Leuven, Belgium 12-14 September, 2011

MiniZinc 2.0 Workshop
by CP2011_publicity, May 30, 2011

MiniZinc is a simple and expressive modelling language that is easy to
interface to different solvers. It maps models in MiniZinc down to FlatZinc
is a manner that is specializable to different underlying solvers. It is
currently supported by constraint programming systems Gecode, Eclipse
Prolog, Sicstus Prolog, JaCoP, solvers from the G12 group, the mathematical
programming solver SCIP, as well as having translators that create SAT
models from FlatZinc (fzntini), and create SMT models from FlatZinc

CFP: FAST2011 - 8th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security & Trust
by FabioMartinelli, May 17, 2011

Call for paper for the 8th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security& Trust (FAST2011), Leuven, Belgium. September 15-16, 2011